
Friday, October 05, 2007

Anti-tax New Hampshire couple finally taken into custody. Congratulations to Stephen Monier for overseeing a well-executed plan to enforce the law without violence. When the Browns decided to hole up in their Plainfield home and vowed to resist arrest, visions of Ruby Ridge and Waco were dancing in my head. Fortunately, Sheriff Monier and his people also had visions of those two tragedies, and were determined to avoid a repeat. By remaining patient, cutting off power and communications to the Browns, seizing other land they held, and arresting those who travelled to their aid (after all, it is a crime to aide and abet people who are engaged in a crime) they were able to set the stage for a peaceful end to the stand-off.

Jim Rubens is worried that gambling will expand here in the Granite State. He should be worried. The walls are starting to crumble.

An interesting demographic theory of war. If it is true, then we can expect a long, frustrating war with Islamic extremists. We can also expect, due to the imminent demographic collapse of Iran, that they might launch their own war sooner rather than later.


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