
Saturday, January 17, 2009

Much has been written, of course, about the death of the famous artist, Andrew Wyeth.

Here in New Hampshire, though, some of us remember the actor Don Galloway, who has also passed away. I interviewed Galloway on my radio show one time (Galloway was an outspoken Libertarian who even wrote a column for the Union Leader for a time). He seemed to me to be a real nice guy.

At last, a column that gets to the bottom line concerning Hamas. Despite the fact that Hamas has not changed it's stripes, the Israelis appear ready to grant a cease fire.

Michael Barone detects the possibility that migration and immigration patterns may be changing here in the United States.

Fred Barnes writes about some of the fears concerning Obama.

Do the American people really want big government, and if the GOP stands against big government, will that hurt their political prospects? One writer believes that is, indeed, the case.

China is building a bigger, better navy. Perhaps we should, too.


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