
Friday, January 23, 2009

With the stroke of a pen President Obama ends the 'war on terror'. Eugene Robinson believes he hasn't gone far enough.

I believe if they release the Gitmo detainees, some of them (if not many) will do what one of their former comrades did, which is get back in the fight.

President Obama is already starting to lose some support from the media.

Fidel Castro suggests that his health is failing. I once thought that the Cuban government would collapse upon Castro's death. I now believe it will not, so long as his brother Raul is in good health. But, after Raul passes, I haven't a clue.

Paul Krugman is concerned that President Obama doesn't realize the depths of our economic problem and, thus, is not prepared to do the truly radical things necessary, in Krugman's view, to fix the problem.

Here is another pessimistic piece about the near-term future of the global economy, although these guys think it will be made worse by the politicians.

A tale of two cities, one that lives in peace, and the other that is mired in brutality and violence.


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