
Thursday, July 16, 2009

Wealthy New Yorkers will feel the pain if the House health insurance reform bill becomes law.

Meanwhile, a Massachusetts hospital is suing the state over its health reform law.

Here is a cogent argument for health insurance reform that includes rationing of health care by government bureaucrats, rather than simply by price. I like the piece because, unlike so many statements by lying, scheming politicians, it tells the truth. Health care is rationed in this country today by price, via a third party payer, either a government or private insurance program. In Britain and Canada, it is rationed by direct government control (Britain) or a government third party insurance program (Canada). Australia has a mixed government-private insurance system. I urge you to become educated about these systems, and listen to good, truthful arguments made by people on all sides of the issue, like the author of the linked article, so that you may get beyond the simplistic story lines fed to us by our politicians.

Buzz Aldrin says we need a new challenge in space exploration...a mission to colonize Mars. I agree with him, but I do not think it will happen. His Moon program was driven by the Cold War. Barring some great incentive such as that, I do not see the governments of the Earth spending the money necessary for such a program.

One man thinks 2010 will be a smashing year for Conservatives and the GOP.


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