
Saturday, August 22, 2009

The threat of violence works. Submitted as evidence...the case of the a book called "The Cartoons that Shook the World", which omits the cartoons that shook the world, that is, the ones that insulted Mohammed and caused riots. The publisher insisted that those cartoons not appear in the book, despite the fact that they are THE perfect examples of the theme of the book. They were omitted because the publishers fear, justifiably, violence from Muslim extremists. The lesson? If you wish to stifle the free expression of ideas, kill people or threaten to kill them.

The people who control the government in Iran understand this concept and, according to Amir Taheri, plan to follow through on their crackdown against anti-government protesters by arresting their leaders.

Meanwhile, the President continues to spend money far and away above our ability to cover our bills, with the ten year deficit projection headed for $9 trillion.


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