
Monday, November 09, 2009

As investigators look into Major Nidal's past, including the fact that he worshipped at the same Washington-area mosque at the same time as two of the 9/11 hijackers, and may have known a radical imam at that mosque who preaches jihad against the West, Mark Steyn examines the fatal flaw at the center of our strategy in the so-called "War on Terror" (if it is even called that, anymore).

President Obama's bloodless reaction to events, including the Fort Hood shootings, makes some people pine for George W. Bush.

Robert J. Samuelson ponders Nouriel Roubini's warning of another financial bubble.

Fred Hiatt thinks America needs universal healthcare, but is worried about bankruptcy, as well he should be.

Liberal opinion makers are just where we want them. Unable to see the truth, which is that Independents are swinging to the GOP (driven by high unemployment and a fear of Democrats going too far left) and are poised to swamp the Democrats next year in a repeat of 1994, they are looking back at 1964, as in this piece, or staring at NY-23, or just making a big deal out of the supposed 'new' radicalism of the conservative movement within the GOP. They will continue to chatter on about this stuff, oblivious to what is happening in the country, and will be just as lost when the GOP takes back Congress next year as they were in 1994.


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