
Thursday, January 21, 2010

As Mr. Brown prepares to go to Washington, the MSM is still wondering about the Tea Party movement.

Beginning in 2011, The New York Times will begin charging non-subscribers for access to their website. I go to their site to read the print edition every day. Once they begin charging for it, I will stop going. Why? Because there are so many news websites out there that do not charge for access that I can find plenty to read without having to pay a penny (beyond what I already pay for Internet access). I lived for many years without reading the Times, I think I can survive without it in the future.

Lanny Davis says the Left is to blame for the loss of the Senate seat in Massachusetts. Actually, the fault lies squarely at the feet of President Obama, who ran as a Centrist, but who is actually a Leftist. He made promises he knew he would not keep. He thought his oratorical gifts would keep not only his enemies, but his friends, at bay. Wrong. As Truman said, if you want a friend in Washington, get a dog.

John DiStaso says many folks in New Hampshire are paying close attention to what happened in Massachusetts. It has some serious ramifications for us in the Granite State. My Congresswoman, for instance, Carol Shea-Porter, is a Nancy Pelosi Democrat. She is going to have to do some serious persuading to get Independents in this district to send her back in November.

House Democrats, frightened by the Brown victory, are now more skeptical than ever of simply passing the Senate version of health reform straight to the President. As well they should be.

George Will says health reform has put the Democrats on the precipice.


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