
Tuesday, February 02, 2010

The editors at The National Review, not surprisingly, blast the President for the massive budget deficit.

These deficits, if allowed to continue, will have an enormous impact on the exercise of American power and the ability of President Obama and his successors to do anything that involves spending more Federal money.

Strangely, David Brooks believes the elderly will come to their senses and push for changes that will stop transferring wealth from the young to the old through the political process. What Brooks does not understand is that most people, elderly or otherwise, see only their own life and circumstances. They are not going to vote for anyone who promises to eliminate that government check, or cut the amount, or even slow the rate of increase. Nor will they vote for anyone who threatens to cut their access to medical care and the funds that pay for it. Individual seniors (politically conservative or libertarian) may understand the problem and are, in all likelihood, already voting for advocates of smaller government and lower spending, but they do not add up to the critical mass necessary to change the underlying political dynamic that prevents Congress from tackling entitlement spending.

Democrats are still trying to figure out what to do with the health reform bill, and are in danger of watching a repeat of 1994.

Daniel Pipes says President Obama can revive his political fortunes by bombing Iran.

Fouad Ajami believes the Obama spell is broken.

Richard Cohen, who is certainly not a Conservative, hits on a big reason why Obama is hurting politically, which is that he seems clueless on how to properly deal with our Islamist, jihadist enemies.

Walter Russell Mead explains why global warming as a political phenomenon is dead, even if the natural process is real and ongoing. Apparently, there is some evidence to indicate that water vapor in the atmosphere may have temporarily stopped the process (assuming, of course, that the warming is happening, and it is caused by emissions from human activity).

Parents and doctors continue to prod the NFL on the issue of brain damage caused by multiple blows to the head.

Ralph Peters does not understand why our foreign policy establishment continues to ignore Latin America.

You may have seen this story before, but if not, check out the tale of the Rhode Island nursing home cat who, with almost flawless accuracy, predicts the imminent deaths of patients.

Danny Williams, the Premier of Newfoundland in Canada, heads to the U.S. for heart surgery. Needless to say, this raises some questions about health care in the Great White North. I grant you, he may need some very specialized surgery that is simply unavailable in Canada, but it does provide ammunition for those who claim that Canada's single-payer, government health insurance system is not as good as our, albeit expensive and chaotic, system.

A new study shows that abstinence-only sex education programs can work.


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