
Saturday, January 23, 2010

Mark Steyn points out what is becoming increasingly obvious to those Americans who are paying attention to the happenings in Washington...President Obama is completely out-of-touch with what is happening in the country. Why? I think it is a combination of factors, including his unusual childhood (unusual in the sense that it was so different from most Americans, Black or White), his Ivy League education, his limited work experience (a law professor, a community organizer, a state senator, a U.S. Senator, all of them relatively brief experiences) and his narcissism. Now, a lot of men who rise to great heights are, in one way or another, narcissists (Winston Churchill is the best historical example of the type). But Obama's almost Messianic vision of himself, combined with his limited experience (Churchill, after all, was educated as an Army officer at Sandhurst, served as a combat soldier/journalist in three wars, all before finally running for Parliament) leaves him at the mercy of events. Unlike politicians like Bill Clinton, Obama fundamentally does not understand the people of the country and is, therefore, incapable of making decisions that are in step with the thoughts and feelings of the majority. If he keeps going on like this, he will be remembered as the worst President since Jimmy Carter.

Of course, most Liberals in general are completely flabbergasted by what is going on. Charles Blow believes the President is failing because he does not understand that the American people are like the Roman "mob", in need of bread and circuses. On the same New York Times editorial page, Bob Herbert believes the President does not understand that "it's the economy, stupid", not health care or global warming or cap-and-trade. Neither man, I suspect, buys into the belief that the people are worried about too much government power, and too much government spending.

Larry Sabato thinks more shocks for the Democrats are on the way with his analysis of the state of the U.S. Senate.


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