
Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Here in New Hampshire, small business owners are upset about an expansion of a tax that hits them squarely in the wallet. Perhaps they will be more energetic about backing GOP candidates for the legislature this Fall.

Meanwhile, Congresswoman Carol Shea-Porter, who represents my district here in the Granite State, is taking some shots for a video which shows her telling folks that if only the men in Congress would go home the women, both Republicans and Democrats, would get health reform passed quickly. Shea-Porter says she bases this belief (and it may or may not have been a tongue-in-cheek remark) on conversations she has had with Republican members. Of course, the female Republican members have now issued a statement saying they cannot recall any such conversation with Shea-Porter.

President Obama proposes a freeze on spending, but it is such a narrow freeze it really amounts to small potatoes so far as the overall budget deficit is concerned.

Robert Reich believes the President is panicking, and this spending freeze will make the jobs situation even worse.

More college graduates are joining the Army. A Great Recession will do that, but I also have detected over the years a basic, fundamental patriotism inside most young Americans. We lost it for a while (from the late 60s through the 70s) but it came back and it has stayed with us even through difficult wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Jennifer Rubin says the members of the media knew about Obama's faults during the campaign, but did not want to let us in on it.

Victor Davis Hanson says Obama is in free fall.

Fred Barnes says the President is on the brink of a crackup.

Bob Herbert says the President is facing a credibility gap.

Bret Stephens thinks the President has 'Copenhagen Syndrome', which is essentially a Messianic complex, as President Obama is so convinced his eloquence and charm will always work on everyone everywhere, he is at a loss when it does not.

Michael Tanner thinks the President and fellow Democrats are dreaming if they think they can chop up ObamaCare into pieces and get it passed.

David Brooks writes about populism and elitism.

Arthur Herman writes about the looming threat from China.

Beau Biden won't run for the U.S. Senate in Delaware. For Democrats, the hits just keep on coming.


At 2:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why is everyone taking Carol Shea-Porter so seriously? Isn't she the one who wore a "Waffle Hat" to a political town meeting? Or a tee-shirt stating "turn your back on Bush" just so she could stand up and turn her back on our president? Of course, another hyphenated half-wit, Wasserman-Shultz rallies to her support for an obvious display of off the cuff idiocy.


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