
Wednesday, February 03, 2010

Here is a novel idea. If you want to improve the safety net for the poor, lower taxes. Don't hold your breath waiting for social activists, public employees, or Democratic politicians to accept this premise.

It's almost as if President Obama WANTS Harry Reid to lose his Senate seat.

Twenty reasons why our debt time bomb is real, and will lead to the Great Depression II. If the author of this piece is correct, the social upheaval will be devastating.

Some Senate Democrats have joined Republicans in calling for military tribunals for terrorists, and for those tribunals to be held at Gitmo, which would mean keeping the place open for business for a long time to come. I guess these folks can read a poll.

Speaking of polls, the numbers in Pennsylvania show some very bad news for Arlen Specter.

Michael Goodwin believes the Israelis have a plan to attack and destroy Iran's nuclear facilities, and are getting ever closer to the day when they will use it.

Another Liberal misreads the Tea Party movement.

The top men at the Pentagon now want to end the ban on gays serving openly in the military. When I was in the Army ('86-'89) that would not have worked, but I suspect the attitudes are different for this generation of soldiers, so it might not cause any problems today.

Increasingly unable to pay the bills, and getting more certain that their home or condo will never again be worth as much as their mortgage, more people are walking away.

Robert J. Samuelson says policymakers have not learned the real lessons of the financial meltdown.


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