
Friday, February 12, 2010

Just days after making a fool of himself by calling Scott Brown's election campaign a 'joke', Patrick Kennedy decides he will not run for re-election to Congress. Normally, I would be tempted to make some flip remark at this point, but I truly believe Patrick Kennedy has some serious emotional issues, no doubt exacerbated by the death of his father. So, despite the fact that I have never liked his politics, I wish him well in his future endeavors.

Victor Davis Hanson continues to hammer away at President Obama, this time by pointing out that Obama may have lost all credibility at this point, which will make him an even less effective President for the next three years.

The Economist recognizes the Tea Party movement as one of the most significant political developments in recent years.

With so many opinion pieces out there that either blast the Tea Party folks or totally misread who they are and what they want, it is tough to find anything that strikes a better balance. Here is one such piece, written by columnist and radio talk host Mark Davis, which hits it on the head. Hint...the Tea Party folks want lower taxes and smaller government.

Paul Krugman blasts the GOP for hypocrisy regarding Medicare cuts. His charge is justified, and it is this hypocrisy which is the reason why the Tea Party folks are not automatically going to follow the GOP's lead.

Robert Samuelson blasts the Democrats for hypocrisy, as they talk about having an open discussion on the issue of deficits, debt and spending, but then demonize Congressman Paul Ryan when he puts forward a balanced budget plan.

The liberals continue to blame America, and the American people, first.

Some liberals understand that their hopes for some sort of unification with libertarians was always just a pipe dream.

The New York Times has a poll that shows President Obama is still popular, or at least is still more popular than the Republicans. Looking at the numbers, though, what strikes me is the deep anger at Congress in general. Since the President is not on the ballot in November, if these trends continue, or even if the mood remains roughly the same, the Democrats will get the beating.


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