
Saturday, February 06, 2010

Mark Steyn has some thoughts on our unsustainable path, and the delusional people who are leading us down that path.

Of course, if you agree with Jacob Weisberg, then you think it is the ignorant, childish American public that is to blame.

Which leads me to this piece by Gerard Alexander, a Political Science professor at the University of Virginia, who wonders why Liberals are so condescending. He comes to the correct conclusion, which is that Liberals cannot conceive that any moral, thinking person can come to a different conclusion about how our lives should be ordered and governed. Liberals lack the ability to think outside their own worldview and consider anyone who does think outside that view as either ignorant or evil.

So, how does a pair of Liberal reporters--I'm just guessing that they are Liberals, but I think it is a good guess--from The Washington Post cover the Tea Party convention in Nashville? This is how. Compare that version to this one from an A.P. reporter that ran in The Washington Times. As I always say, read more than one version of every story--if available--to get a more clear picture of the event.

Patrick Kennedy puts his foot in his mouth by calling Senator Brown's campaign "a joke". Well, Congressman, if poll numbers from Rhode Island are to be believed, your campaign may, at the end of the evening on Election Day in November, be called "a failure".

While the U.S. jobless rate dips to 9.7%, which I think is just a temporary blip, investors are watching warily as European officials try to deal with their PIIGS (Portugal, Italy, Ireland, Greece and Spain).


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