
Thursday, March 11, 2010

Nouriel Roubini believes we are in danger of a double-dip recession.

Michael Barone believes the Democrats are caught in a no-win situation with the health reform bill, even if Pelosi can get the votes to pass it, which Barone believes may not be possible.

Jay Cost thinks Bart Stupak, the pro-life Democrat who leads like-minded colleagues in the House, may have a problem getting a provision in the health bill that would prevent Federal funding for abortions.

I still do not believe they will pass the bill. If they do, like Barone, I believe the Democrats will not gain any political momentum from passage. The bill does not contain the thing that gets their Liberal base all fired up, which is a public option. It does contain stuff sure to fire up opponents, and once it begins to have an impact on non-ideological people, it will certainly cause even more anti-Obama and anti-Democrat enthusiasm.


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