
Monday, May 01, 2006

Bill Crawford has another installment of good news from Iraq. It is always worth reading to counteract the almost uniformly negative portrayal of conditions in Iraq painted by the MSM. As always, this is not because the MSM's portrayal is inaccurate, the violence is very real, but that it is incomplete.

The view of conditions in Iraq that is now held by the vast majority of Americans is the one factor that is driving down the President's poll numbers, according to this analysis. Unfortunately, no amount of good news out of Iraq will turn this thing around. Like Truman during the Korean War and Johnson during Vietnam, George W. Bush is fated to limp to the finish line of his Presidency considered by most as a failure. Of course, history could smile on him later on, as it does with Truman, or continue to condemn him, as it does with Johnson.

Dennis Ross has a new strategy for dealing with Iran. It calls for the U.S. to sit down with the British, French and Germans to develop a negotiating strategy that would involve tough sanctions for Iran if they continue on their course toward a nuclear weapon. The strategy would bypass the Security Council, as it appears the Russians and Chinese will not agree to real sanctions. In my view, it might help restore relations with the Europeans, but would not stop the Iranians.

Claude Salhani argues against unilateral sanctions against Iran which are being debated in Congress. Unfortunately, he doesn't provide any alternatives.


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