
Tuesday, March 20, 2007

The unintended consequences of an immigration crackdown are getting treatment in the press, including this story in the Boston Globe.

Scott Lehigh, also writing in the Globe, examines the consequences of the Super Duper Primary which is on the horizon.

Iran has stopped inspectors from doing their job at one of Iran's nuclear sites. Meanwhile, the Russians are demanding that the Iranians stop uranium enrichment as a condition for the resumption of Russian work at the Bushehr nuclear plant.

Gordon Cucullu, writing in the New York Post, says the surge is working, after going to Iraq and checking it out himself.

A must-read column about a real warrior who, although he doesn't watch war movies, may go and see "300". Check out the videos of some of Hollywood's finer moments when trying to represent war on screen.

Can Democrats expect even more gains in the U.S. House in '08? One expert is not so sure. My belief is that if the Iraq War is still the most important issue in November of 2008, and it still appears as if American troops will be fighting and dying there indefinitely and to no easily understandable purpose, then it will be a smashing victory for the Democrats.

Christopher Hitchens, an early supporter of the Iraq War, answers critics who ask him now, "Weren't you wrong about Iraq"?


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