
Wednesday, November 11, 2009

According to a new Gallup poll Republicans have now moved ahead of Democrats in the generic Congressional ballot. The only good news for the Democrats is that they have 12 months to reverse the trend before people go to the real polls and cast real ballots.

David Brooks is dismayed by the reaction to the Fort Hood shootings.

Is China headed for economic collapse? If so, it will have dire economic consequences here and across the globe, and could cause political instability and violence inside China.

Today, of course, is Veterans Day. As a veteran (non-combat, peacetime Army), I appreciate the thanks directed our way, and I extend my own thanks to the combat veterans among us. But I also believe we should pause and remember the original intention of this holiday. It was originally called Armistice Day, and it commemorates November 11, 1918 when , on the eleventh hour of that day, the guns went silent on the Western Front. It marked the end of what was, at that time, the most horrible and deadly war the world had ever seen. Few at the time could have possibly believed that only 21 years later another global war would start which would, by the time it ended six years later, exceed the Great War in scope, and in cost in blood and treasure. Still, it is a date to remember, if for nothing else, then to honor those who suffered during that horrible conflict.


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