
Thursday, November 12, 2009

James Pethokoukis believes, based on work done by some notable economists, that unemployment may well reach 12 or 13 percent. If it does, the Democrats can kiss their majorities in Congress goodbye.

Of course, if an asteroid hits us, as one almost did on Friday, it may all be academic (the one that missed us, though, was too small to do any damage).

Lou Dobbs, one of the original anchors on CNN, resigned last night. Let the speculation begin.

Did the female police officer really shoot down Major Hasan in a stand-up gunfight? New evidence seems to indicate that she was shot down before getting off any rounds, and Hasan was gunned down by her male partner. This does not, in my estimation, take anything away from her courageous dedication to duty, after all, she took one for the company, but it does say something about the dubious nature of initial reports.

Hillary in 2012?

George F. Will believes policymakers should start defending the dollar.


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