
Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Here is an argument for taking action against Iran, rather than following the course set by Britain and France in the 1930s when faced with Hitler's Germany.

In Southern Afghanistan, according to this front-page story in the New York Times, the Taliban is making a comeback, emboldened by the replacement of U.S. troops by NATO "peacekeepers". If the report is accurate, it is a good argument for re-enforcing our troop contingent in that country.

On the immigration issue, after days of protests, it appears nothing much has changed. Congress is still dithering and, according to Mickey Kaus, the Administration is now reassuring illegals that they really aren't serious about cracking down. All of this is driving Tony Blankley nuts, as he can't understand why something so simple as the justification for border integrity is falling on such deaf ears among the political and cultural elites of this country. Still, there is at least one indication, based on the results of a local election in Virginia, that ordinary Americans are fed up with this foolishness.

Of course, if we want to get the elites really fired up, let's talk about impeaching President Bush. It still sounds ludicrous to some, but just wait until after the Democrats take charge early next year.


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