
Saturday, November 14, 2009

In a dramatic example of the major philosophical difference between Liberals and Conservatives on the issue of Islamist terrorism the Attorney General of the United States has announced that Khalid Sheik Muhammed and some other Al Qaeda types who planned the 9/11 attacks will be tried in a Federal courtroom in New York. President Obama and his people believe that terrorism is a criminal justice matter, not an act of war, as George W. Bush and his people believed. Therefore, this decision makes perfect sense. Like so many of his other decisions, this one will be judged by the American people, who will render their initial verdict in November, 2010. I am pleased that we are seeing some real differences on this crucial issue, as well as on government spending and intervention, taxes, health care, and the like. I hope the leaders of the GOP will present candidates who represent a real choice for the electorate.

Some new evidence indicates that the mini-Ice Age that hit Europe 12,000 years ago happened within a year, not over decades, as previously thought.

The Lcross mission, which sent a satellite plunging into the surface of the Moon, discovered a significant amount of water just under the surface. Now we know that we can put a colony on the Moon without having to lug all our water and fuel with us. If only we had the political will to spend the money to achieve that goal (I would argue that it would be a tremendous stimulus program, far more productive and economical than the pork-laden stimulus plans we have seen recently).

North Korea continues to do what it does best...issue threats.

Michael Barone looks at more bad poll numbers for the Democrats.

Check out this video re-creation of the dramatic flight of a civilian aircraft into the Hudson River following a bird strike. They use the real audio from the flight as part of the presentation, and I am amazed by how calm Captain Sullenberger remained throughout the flight. He is one of those guys they refer to when they use the phrase, "the right stuff".


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