
Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Liberals continue to obsess about female Conservative firebrands. I hope this continues, because the more energy they spend examining these women and their more provocative comments and political positions, the less energy they will have to recognize the real danger they face, which is the tsunami of Independents which will sweep the Democrats out of office next year. These Independents are not concerned about the sometimes radical positions taken by these women, or any other GOP office holder, or even the 'Tea Party' organizers, most of whom are not Republicans. They are concerned about unemployment, which is heading for double digits. They are concerned about the weakness of the dollar, the huge government deficits that will lead to spending cuts and tax increases, the inability of President Obama to show strength to our enemies, real and potential, the increase in government intervention in all areas of our lives, with the usual foul-ups that follow (H1N1 vaccine, anyone?). These are the things that will drive Independents to the polls, and into the arms of the GOP (unless there are viable alternatives on the ballot, which in most cases will not exist). I say that as a warning to Republicans. These Independents are not all of a sudden embracing the GOP and its positions, they are rejecting the Liberal extremism of the Democrats in Congress, and the incompetence and weakness of the President.

Pat Buchanan makes the most cogent argument I have read yet against bringing KSM and other terrorists to trial in a civilian U.S. courtroom. It all boils down to the question of whether or not we are at war with Al Qaeda and their allies, or are they simply a band of criminals, however deadly.

Governor David Patterson of New York, no doubt concerned about poll numbers which show him on the political chopping block, announced yesterday his opposition to trying terrorists in his state.

Here is a inspectors strongly suspect that the Iranian government is hiding more nuclear facilities. Only fools, Europeans (except President Sarkozy of France) and President Obama can believe that the Iranians are doing anything other than playing for time to finish their nuclear weapons program.


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