
Saturday, January 26, 2008

It's primary day in South Carolina, and state officials are predicting a record turnout as Democrats go to the polls.

John Zogby's last poll of South Carolina Democrats shows Obama leading with 41%, followed by Clinton with 26% and Edwards with 19%. American Research Group has Obama with a much narrower lead, Obama 39%, Clinton 36% and Edwards 22%.

Michael Barone says South Carolina is setting the stage for the national election, but not in the way it has done in the past. In past cycles, South Carolina has propelled a candidate on to victory. This time, S.C. is setting the stage for a long fight in both parties.

Ron Brownstein writes about the nasty, brutish and drawn-out nature of the Democratic contest.

As for me, I'll take the easy way out. I predict Obama will win, but only by four or five points, over Clinton.


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