
Friday, January 11, 2008

Why did the pollsters get it wrong in New Hampshire? Dick Bennett at American Research Group and John Zogby of Zogby International says they simply ran out of time. Both men say the Monday numbers showed Clinton on the rebound, but when averaged in with the previous days those numbers still showed a solid Obama win.

The Mystery Pollster says his colleagues should take a lesson from a similar polling debacle in 1948.

Charles Krauthammer believes we should be grateful that the people of New Hampshire chose to prevent the coronation of Barack Obama. Dennis Kucinich is skeptical about the results, though, and is asking for a recount.

On the GOP side, the battle is on for conservatives in South Carolina. The latest polls from South Carolina show it's a battle between McCain and Huckabee (although it is interesting to note that the two most recent polls show McCain in the lead). Obama has a solid lead over Clinton on the Democratic side. It appears that McCain has the momentum, but Huckabee should do well with the evangelicals. There are still eight days until the GOP primary, so things can change. On the Democratic side, the primary is on the 26th, so still a couple of weeks for Clinton to make up ground.

The latest polls from Michigan (GOP only, as the Democrats, Hillary excepted, chose not to participate) show a mixed bag. Rossman Group has Huckabee 23, Romney 22 and McCain 18 (with the rest in single digits), while Strategic Vision has McCain 29, Romney 20, Huckabee 18 and Giuliani with 13. They go to the polls on Tuesday, so there isn't much time for Romney to save his candidacy, as everyone seems to agree that if he loses in the state of his birth, he's done. The polling data does not look encouraging for him.


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